TRE Autumn Robot

Following the success of the chicken campaign we were approached with the question of creating a robot character instead of chickens.

We jumped to the possibility and with the help of Pär Andersson we designed a robot inspiered by Marvin from Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and Burn-E from pixars Wall-E.
The result is our cute and friendly janitor. Still living in our filmic world he explored it with style and curiosity.

Having set up a effective workflow on previus films we were possible to produce all films on a very tight timeframe of 3 films in 4 weeks but still keep our high lever of quality.

Project Details

Production year: 2011

Client: Storåkers

Agency: Colony

Production Company: Lost Liner Productions

Films: 4

Number of shots: 15

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Project Credits


Project manager: Linda Rundqvist

Copywriter: Björn Carlberg

Art Director: Henric Almquist


Producer: Jenny Sernholt

Sound design and mix: Quint Starkie

Lost Liner Productions

Director: Ulf Lundgren

Creative producer: Niklas Gunnarsson

Coordinator: Erika Reilly

Design: Pär Andersson,Stefan Berglund

Modeling: Pär Andersson,Stefan Berglund

Rigging: Hannes Nordin

Animation: Johan Sonestedt, Jonas Forsman, Hannes Nordin

TD: Martin Öhgren

RnD: Björn Lundgren

Comp: Martin Öhgren