Americas Cup

A full CG promotional trailer for the upcoming  Americas Cup in San Francisco.

Since none of the new bigger boats have yet been built in real life there were no real point in shooting anything on location so Lost Liner were brought in to create the upcoming race in San Francisco Bay in CG instead. San Francisco were recreated from photos and the water was created in 3D. The CG boats were built according to existing blueprints with a CG crew added and animated to bring life. The CG ocean were set up to automatically create splashes when the boats hit the waves.  The only thing shot were some still images of the San Francisco skyline to use for constructing a mattepainting of the city backdrop.

To be able to realise director Johan Rimérs grand vision Visual Arts turned to Lost Liner for lookdev, lighting cinematography, shading, water simulations, rendering and Comp.

All the models were made in Maya, lookdev and fluids in Softimage and it was all rendered in Arnold. Lens flares and water splashes on the camera were then added in After Effect to finish of the effect.


Working with director Johan Rimér were as always very inspiring and pushed us to go that extra mile needed.

Project Details

Production Year: 2010

Client: Wing Production & America's Cup Event Authority

Production Company: Visual Art Creative Studios

Post Production Company: Visual Art Creative Studios, Lost Liner Productions

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Project Credits

Visual Art Creative Studios

Executive Producer: Peter Liljenberg

Director: Johan Rimér

3D: Henrik Eklundh, Jonas Ekman, Oskar Wahlberg

Lost Liner Productions

CG Supervisor: Ulf Lundgren

3D and Comp: Lukas Pettersson, Martin Törnestedt

TD and RnD: Björn Lundgren